10 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Tell Themselves Daily

Cassie Douglas

September 9, 2022

While it might seem glamorous on the outside being an entrepreneur is no easy task.  Sure, we get to make our own hours and set our own rates, but there are so many more moving parts than that–like if we don’t get paid if we don’t work. There is no “15-minute paid coffee break” time or chatting with your co-worker on the clock. So it’s no wonder that entrepreneurs are some of the most stressed people in the working world. That said, it’s a lifestyle that comes with ups and downs, and the most successful businessmen and women are the ones who focus on the positives. If you are a business owner and you seem to be struggling with finding those positives, try these 10 things many successful entrepreneurs remind themselves of daily.

First, we will start with daily affirmations. Daily affirmations are defined as statements that affirm something to be true. Evidently, a few positive words a day can help reframe your thought process over time and help you build confidence.

“Negative thinking and beliefs limit your potential in business,” says Jenna Boyle, mindful business coach and owner of A Seed of Mindfulness. “Common negative beliefs are ‘I’m never going to do well,’ ‘I’m not good enough,’ ‘life isn’t fair,’ etc. Challenging those thoughts with positive affirmations can actually help you live a more fulfilling, successful life and improve your overall wellbeing.”

While there are nearly endless lists of affirmations you can find on the web, Jenna Boyle suggests entrepreneurs try these daily affirmations to start:

  • I can handle failure and forgive myself for my mistakes.
  • My goals are clear and measurable.
  • I have the power and will to be a great leader.
  • My positive attitude influences others.
  • I intend to succeed.

“The second thing that is imperative for successful entrepreneurship is assertive rights. It’s learning how to be assertive which is a very important key to doing well in business,” she noted.

Assertive rights, which are also sometimes referred to as a “personal bill of rights,” are phrases that remind us to respect our own boundaries.

Here are some examples:

  • I have the right to say no to requests or demands I can’t meet.
  • I am not responsible for others’ behavior, actions, feelings, or problems.
  • I have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • I have the right to have my needs and wants to be respected by others.
  • I have the right to say I don’t know.

“It takes time, but truly, thinking is believing,” Boyle says. “It’s all about practicing mindfulness. Successful entrepreneurs know that if you honestly believe these things, they will eventually become reality.”

Cassie Douglas
As an award winning photographer, self-published author, journalist, business woman and social media guru, Cassie Douglas’ creativity bleeds into every aspect of her life. Though she’s based in Tampa, Florida, she works with clients all over the world to provide social media and public relation services. As an entrepreneur, she identifies with ICON REFINED’S mission to create a network and platform specifically for business and fitness savvy individuals.