3 ways to immediately boost your confidence
Plus, one action you can take right now to feel more powerful.


February 8, 2024

Photo by James Patrick

This article was originally published in the Winter 2023 issue of ICON/REFINED.


Entrepreneurs have to walk the walk—even when they’re shaking in their boots. And for those who struggle with confidence, putting on an authoritative face while giving a presentation, pitching to investors, or mingling at networking events might feel like the scariest thing in the world. For some, confidence comes naturally, but for others, it’s a work in progress.

But a necessary one, according to professional dancer Alayne Wadsworth—and she would know. At the height of her career, she was required to have back surgery that would cause her to have to learn to walk again—and re-build her confidence in the process. “Some say that repetition is what creates confidence,” says Alayne. “That can contribute, but there’s something about a person who owns the room without any gimmicks. My journey since then has been focused on how I can continue to have authentic, bright energy to help myself and inspire others through life.”

Here are Alayne’s top tips for cultivating confidence—and attracting talent and clients while you’re at it. 


Knowledge Is Power

The best way to crush imposter syndrome? Become an expert. Learn about the things that scare you and you will gain power over them,” says Alayne. Read books, enroll in classes, or listen to podcasts on specific information you feel uneasy about. “This will help you to grow and become confident in the one thing that used to scare you.” 


Daily Moments of Swagger

Build in little habits that add up to feeling good about yourself regularly. For instance, Alayne practices finding opportunities and added experience in perceived failures, pushing through times of lacking inspiration or motivation, and saying “no” more often. 


Look the Part

We don’t mean buying a new wardrobe. By practicing confidence-exuding body language, your brain will catch up. “Expand your posture and take up space,” says Alayne, noting that she also puts on a smile, which helps combat stress levels. Another trick she uses? “Direct your focus to another person to distract yourself from thinking about your own nervousness in the situation.”



Before Alayne performs on stage, she busts out a “Superhero” pose. Place your hands on your waist, puff out your chest, stand with feet wide apart, and watch your confidence soar.

ICON/REFINED print and digital network celebrates the modern entrepreneur's lifestyle in business, health, mindset, and relationships.