4 ways to create a gym culture that supports women
Education, inclusivity, safe spaces, and representation can help nurture brand love.

Brittinie Wick

June 22, 2023

Whether you’re promoting your own facility or developing programs to better serve your clients, ensuring women feel safe and supported in your space is integral to creating deep brand love. And let’s just say it: Sometimes gyms aren’t the most welcoming place for women. They can be intimidating, full of unwanted stares or comments, and downright overwhelming.

But there are simple changes you can make to create a fit culture that not only appeals to women, but also develops client trust so they know they can turn to you and your facility to feel empowered, educated, and confident every step of their journey. Read on for four ways to create a gym culture that supports women.

Make Representation and Diversity a Priority

Cultural beauty standards vary across different societies and can place immense pressure on women to conform to certain ideals. Research published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology highlights that women from diverse cultural backgrounds may experience body image concerns due to societal expectations regarding body size, shape, or skin color.

Additionally, peers and family members play a significant role in shaping women’s body image perceptions. Research published in Body Image indicates that peer comments, family conversations about weight and appearance, and teasing or criticism related to body shape or weight can contribute to negative body image in women. Gyms can play a significant role in challenging and mitigating these pressures by fostering a culture that celebrates diverse bodies and focuses on overall health and well-being.

To create an inclusive gym culture for women, it is crucial to promote representation and diversity. Gyms should make an effort to showcase a range of body types, ethnicities, ages, and abilities in their marketing materials, social media presence, and trainers. This helps women feel validated, valued, and inspired, regardless of their background or body shape.

Create Female-Friendly Spaces

One of the most crucial steps in cultivating a culture that supports women is to create female-friendly spaces within the gym. In a survey conducted by the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), 84 percent of women reported feeling more comfortable exercising in women-only gym spaces or women-focused classes. Women-only workout zones or studios provide a safe and inclusive environment where women can exercise without feeling self-conscious or intimidated.

A study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology also found that women who exercised in women-only spaces reported that they were more likely to engage in regular physical activity due to feeling more comfortable, less self-conscious, and more confident compared to those in mixed-gender environments. Having designated female-friendly spaces allows women to exercise without the fear of judgment or intimidation, which can enhance their overall gym experience.

Employ Knowledgeable and Empathetic Staff

In a survey conducted by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), 87 percent of female respondents expressed a desire for more support and guidance from fitness professionals. Training the gym staff to be knowledgeable about women’s unique fitness concerns, such as pregnancy, menopause, or pelvic floor health, enables them to offer appropriate guidance and support.

Moreover, staff members should be trained to understand and respond to the emotional and psychological aspects of women’s fitness journeys. Women experience various hormonal changes throughout their lives, such as puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. These hormonal shifts can impact energy levels, mood, metabolism, and body composition. By showing empathy, engaging in active listening, and providing constructive feedback, they can create a positive and encouraging atmosphere for women, where their goals and challenges are acknowledged and supported.

Offer Educational Workshops and Targeted Programs

A gym that prioritizes the well-being of women can provide educational workshops and resources focused on women’s health and fitness. These sessions can cover topics such as proper form and technique, injury prevention, nutrition, mental wellness, and stress management. 

Exercise during pregnancy has become more widely recognized as safe and beneficial for both mother and baby, leading to more women choosing to maintain an active lifestyle. As a result, more women are motivated to continue attending the gym or engaging in exercise routines that they enjoy during pregnancy. Therefore, it can be beneficial for gyms to provide specifically tailored programs like pre- and post-natal fitness, pelvic floor health, and exercise modifications for pregnant women. This approach not only enhances their overall experience, but also empowers women to make informed decisions regarding their health and fitness goals.

Brittinie Wick
Brittinie Wick is a certified personal trainer, women's fitness specialist, and nutritionist. Her work has appeared in Best Holistic Life Magazine, Nutrishop, Personal Fitness Professional, STRONG Fitness Magazine, and more.