5 Pieces of Advice for Entrepreneurs Jumping into the Cannabis Industry

Christina Rivera & Maggy Troup

September 10, 2021

Cannabis is at an interesting crossroads. The cannabis industry feels like the Wild Wild West because of the changing regulations and the insane amount of red tape. Most days, we feel like we’re just trying to navigate our way through the ever-changing policies. Here are our top 5 pieces of advice to other entrepreneurs wanting to dive into the cannabis industry:

  1. Advocate: Speaking up and finding your voice will be vital in staying relevant. As cannabis entrepreneurs, it’s our job to change the way that people SEE cannabis so that, ultimately, scientists and the government find the funds to research all of the benefits of this amazing plant.
  2. Get comfortable with red-tape: Cannabis is either highly regulated (THC) or not regulated at all (CBD). If you want to succeed in this ever-changing space, you’ll have to fail fast, use all of your resources, and just keep moving.
  3. Get involved: We sought out networking groups, mastermind courses and connected with as many cannapreneurs as we could. The cannabis industry is one of the hardest industries to navigate, so having support, encouragement, and the right resources have been invaluable.
  4. Work from passion: Cannabis is buzzy right now. A lot of investors are getting into cannabis because they want to make money. So many people have failed in this space because they are putting profits over people. We started this business because we want people to feel their best — so we operate from that idea and money is secondary.
  5. Change is the only constant: A few weeks before our scheduled first run, our manufacturers pulled our contract and we had to pivot and delay our product launch. Look – this would normally cause us anxiety, but we’ve learned that having a cannabis business just means that we’re faced with new and different challenges every day. Pivoting is becoming second nature We’ll keep forging on because we’re passionate about plant medicine and helping people find alternative therapies that work with their bodies.


If you’re passionate about canna-healthcare, then there’s no time to wait. Jump in, roots first!

Christina Rivera & Maggy Troup
Christina Rivera and Maggy Troup have walked numerous life paths together: first as best friends, then as sisters-in-law, and now as business partners in the luxury CBD company MATCH CANNA. Both servant leaders, natural helpers, and effective problem-solvers, Christina and Maggy co-founded the company after Christina created a life-changing formulation that incorporated CBD and other cold-pressed botanicals, helping those close to them manage pain and anxiety. MATCH CANNA is powered by blending Christina’s vision, diverse educational path, and focus on making people feel their best selves through aesthetics, with Maggy’s go-get-er attitude and decades-long career in helping people manage pain through massage therapy. MATCH CANNA’s goal is to use CBD to find effective and luxurious relaxation and relief for EVERY body with thoughtfully created, plant-based products that are rooted in nature and backed by science. Learn more at www.matchcanna.com.