5 Simple Weight Loss Tips for Busy People

Brittinie Wick

November 12, 2021

Many people want to get or stay fit but can’t find the time in their busy schedules. Sometimes, it’s hard to carve out time to fit in a healthy routine with work, family, travel, etc. If this sounds like you, you are definitely not alone.

But, you can keep up your health routine when life has other plans. These five weight loss tips sound SUPER simple – because they are, but they are simple and effective.

1) Keep fresh fruit and vegetables where you can easily see – and grab.

Fruit and vegetables are great for snacking because they are low in calories and rich in nutrients. When you place them in a bowl on the counter, you will be more likely to grab them when you can see them. If they hide in your fridge drawer, they tend to become “out of sight, out of mind.”

While there are no magical foods that will instantaneously help you lose weight – there ARE food choices that will keep your calories low and your nutrients high.

Fruits and vegetables are naturally nutrient-rich. Some Low Calorie/High Nutrient Vegetables include arugula, asparagus, brussel sprouts, kale, spinach, and bok choy.

Fruits and vegetables that are low in calories and high in volume can help fill you up and prevent overeating. These include celery, cucumbers, melon, and lettuce.

High fiber choices, like artichokes, apples, berries, and pears, help you to feel satisfied while decreasing hunger cravings – making it easier for you to stick to your plans when it comes to a healthy diet. (i.e., not snacking between meals, limiting portion size, etc.)

Pro Tip: Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season. The benefits of purchasing and consuming in-season produce include saving money, better-looking and tasting products, and better personal consumption for the environment.

2) Drink lots of water….lots and lots of it.

The body is about 70% water, so you need enough water for your body to function properly. The brain is also mostly water, so drinking water helps you to think better and focus. Drinking enough water flushes toxins, improves skin, boosts the immune system, and is a headache remedy.

So, how much should you drink?

Recommended amounts vary from person to person. The general guideline is to drink .5-1oz of water per pound of body weight per day, but the BEST way to know if you are drinking enough is by the color of your pee (it should be pretty clear – not bright yellow) and how you feel (do you have energy?).

Interesting tidbit: Just by losing 2% of the total water in your body, you can decrease performance when exercising by over 25%!

3) Move more throughout the day with NEAT

Society focuses so much on exercise – but MOVEMENT as a way of life is even more important. Our bodies were meant to move. Our bodies need to move to function.
With just enough exercise, NEAT movement is essential to achieve the health benefits everyone wants and the aesthetics some desire.

NEAT​ Movements ⟹ Non-Exercise Associated Thermogenesis

Examples of NEAT movements include gardening, walking, fidgeting, arm circles, free play, etc.

NEAT is different from exercise, which is more strenuous and excites the nervous system more. NEAT movement reduces cortisol production and influences hormones, which naturally influences everything from stress to energy to strength gains and workout quality. It is the most significant component of metabolism that is changeable.

Some ways to add MORE movement to your day include taking the stairs whenever you can, parking your car a little farther away from an entrance, going for a walk after lunch, and even throwing in a few sets of 10 push-ups or squats throughout your day.

4) Get 7-9 Hours of Sleep

A study done at the University of Chicago found that getting only 5 hours of sleep reduced the rate of fat loss by more than half.
Researchers had people eat a calorie-restricted diet. Everyone lost weight, but when people were allowed 8 hours of sleep a night, they burned significantly more fat than when they received only 5 hours of sleep.

The researchers also found that getting less sleep led to a spike in ghrelin (a hormone), which affects both hunger and activity level. So when you lack sleep, you may feel more hungry and less satisfied because your hormones are out of balance.

Pro Tip: Start prepping for a good night’s sleep first thing in the morning by getting some sunlight. Research shows that bright lights stimulate the part of the brain that regulates your circadian rhythms.

5) Choose moderation over deprivation.

Food is an integral part of life. Yes, it fuels our bodies – but food is also very social! Allow yourself to have a treat from time to time, and don’t feel guilty about enjoying it. Completely depriving yourself of certain foods that you enjoy can lead to fixation and over-consumption when/if you give in to your cravings. A large part of weight management is what you eat. And there are a lot of delicious and enjoyable foods that aren’t very beneficial to your health. When creating and following a healthy diet, you will need to make choices to abstain from unhealthy food, but you do not need to deprive yourself of what you enjoy eating altogether. The 80/20 rule can offset small treats in moderation. A majority of healthy choices and regular exercise (80%) while enjoying the small treats (20%). Moderation is key!

The timeline of reaching a goal is unknown because everyone’s body is different. And while you have limited control over the timeline – you have complete control over your daily habits. Remember: Everyone is different. Choose something that you can realistically do that will move you closer to your goal and/or maintain your health. Over time, it all adds up.

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier.

Brittinie Wick
Brittinie Wick is an Air Force Veteran turned Health and Fitness Coach. Her mission is to empower all women, through fitness and nutrition, to gain confidence, lose weight, and celebrate the feeling of strong and sexy. Grab Brittinie’s “Healthy at Every Age” guide! This ebook is aimed at people just like you, who want to live their BEST, MOST ACTIVE life, starting TODAY and continuing deep into the future! https://www.brittiniewick.com/freeguide/