Why Passion Directly Correlates to Success

Annie Gregory

April 22, 2021

If there was ever a time to learn how to persevere, it was this past year. No matter the difficulty or the unforeseen events, you got through it and 2021 is going to be the year to challenge your resolve and really let your passions shine.

Being able to persevere, especially in times like these, is so important. We have experienced an instinct drive to keep working hard regardless of the odds or obstacles. Whether for your health and fitness goals, your business endeavors, school, and for some, all of the above. You insisted on not giving up!

Passion is the drive that keeps us going.

It is the fuel in the fire of action. It’s what motivates us. For some, things don’t come as easy as it might for others. That doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve it; it just means you have to work a little harder and dig a little deeper.

Taking the time to reach your goals takes patience, hard work, and persistence. Did you know it’s actually normal to encounter setbacks or have doubts and disappointments along the way? That’s where the power in passion lies—the strength to keep going… to endure.

Even if things are taking longer than originally planned or expected, perseverance will always see it through!

Everyone will have a different “why” or “reason” as to what makes them passionate about something.

One person could be passionate about maintaining a specific goal, while another could be passionate about achieving another level of success. Some are just passionate about how it makes them feel in general, and others do it to prove to themselves that they can.

It all falls into how much you give that passion the power to thrive. How bad do you want it? What are you willing to do to get there? You haven’t been able to control all that has been happening this past year, but you have the power to control how you respond to it. Your circumstances do not define your outcome.

As for me, I was shifting into new and unchartered territories this year, where I was planning to get uncomfortable for growth. None of which included staying home with my kids to do online school, working out at home with little to no equipment, and being limited in my daily to-do’s while, what felt like zooming my life away.

Talk about setbacks and disappointments… It felt like I was getting buried alive. As we all say, “I’m only human,” but during the hard moments, I learned where my true passions lie and where I wanted to put that power.

I had to shift my perspective and know that my passion for my purpose will thrive as long as I stay focused.

I think Arnold Schwarzenegger said it best when he stated, “strength does not come from winning; your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.”

Your strength is your power, and passion is what you have to continue to push forward and continue to grow.

Annie Gregory
I am a wife and a mother to 3 amazing children ages 17, 10, and 7. I love helping people reach their goals by teaching them sustainable habits for long term success. I grew up a tomboy who was always active and partaking in any sport I could, basketball being my favorite. Ever since my last child in 2013, and a 65 lb weight gain, I decided to commit and get back into an active lifestyle. In 2016 I made the decision to hire a coach of my own, and in 2017 I did the unthinkable and competed in my first figure competition. That was something I had only dreamed about as a younger girl, but never thought it was something I would have or could have actually done. As scary as it was, I did it and it only added to my passion. I competed in 2 more competitions in 2018, and I am working towards the possibility of getting back on stage in 2021. If there is anything I understand, it’s the feeling of not having enough time in the day to get it all done. From juggling a full time job, 3 active kids, training and adding competition into the mix, things got tough at times, BUT, if you want something bad enough and are willing to put in the effort, then anything is possible.