Should You Be Starting a Business While on Maternity Leave?

Elena Biedert

August 24, 2021
Photo by Dietmar Bougé

While in some countries maternity leave lasts only for a couple of months, in others it can be up to three years –or even more, if you have a second child shortly after the first one. Considering the amount of time a mom spends at home and having a break from her work-life, it’s not uncommon when she wants to start a new career, or even better, a whole new business. Such a significant life change can make one rethink everything, including a career choice and what makes her happy. But should you be starting a business while on maternity leave?

In this article, I want to discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of starting a new business when you are a stay-at-home mom. I will also give a few tips on making it work if you decide to go this road.

What is good about being your own boss:


  • There are so many things that you can do if you are your own boss! You make all the decisions, and you can do what you and only you want.
  • Have you always had a hobby that made you very happy, and you could earn money with it? Now you might do exactly this: make your hobby or dream into your career.
  • If your business is customer-oriented, you are the one who can set the boundaries and choose your ideal clients.
  • You don’t have to ask for permission if you want to go on vacation, you or your child caught a cold, or simply want to spend time with your family.
  • You can plan your days as you want because you are the boss!


What is not so good about being your own boss:


  • As you are the one who makes all the decisions, be ready to make wrong ones and taking responsibility for them. It’s inevitable, and you have to accept it.
  • If you are a solopreneur, you are not only the one who makes all the decisions. You are also the one who carries out all the actions. Be ready to wear as many hats as you can and learn thousands of new things.
  • Not every hobby can be made into a successful business. Many also miss that as soon as you start hustling and trying to make money on your hobby, it might not get as enjoyable as it was before.
  • Be ready to deal with difficult situations and demanding clients. At the same time, finding the right clients at all might sometimes be as draining as dealing with the difficult ones.
  • Even though you don’t have to ask for permission to go on vacation or sick leave, you should also understand that you don’t make any money when you don’t work.
  • Many people have that naive and idealistic picture that if they start a business, they will have so much flexibility versus working 9 to 5 in the office. Yes, you will have the flexibility, but especially in the beginning, be ready to work 24/7.


How to balance them both:


  • Think everything through, and make a business plan. Take help, and consider visiting a workshop or a consultation for those who want to start a business. In Germany, we have a professional association that supports aspiring entrepreneurs at no cost.
  • Schedule fixed times in a day when you work and stick to it just as if you would do it if you went to the office. For a new mom, it means working when her baby naps or sleeps, or someone else can babysit while she is working.
  • Make sure you can afford it. Did I already say you should think everything through? Well, do it again. Be sure you have financial stability if something doesn’t go to your plan.
  • Make sure you genuinely want it and what exactly you want. It might not be for you if you don’t want to miss any precious time with your baby or be stressed because of the work. However, if you truly want to start a business, understanding your priorities will help you plan your business strategy accordingly.
Elena Biedert
Elena Biedert is a certified fitness trainer, ISSA certified nutritionist, postpartum training specialist, bikini athlete, and book author: juggling all while working at a renowned tech company as a User Experience Designer and being a mom. Elena has over ten years of training experience, but in 2017, after the birth of her son, she felt lost. Ultimately, it was the motivation to start her own business, "Mama Fitness Coaching“ to help other women and new moms feel confident and sexy in their bodies, as well as to recover after birth properly. Her first book, a self-coaching 12-week program for women, will be published later this year in German.