Clever Hacks for Remaining Productive When Feeling Overwhelmed

Christina Rivera

September 7, 2021

As a woman who has a full-time corporate job at a world-renowned tech company and also another full-time job as a Co-Founder at a cannabis startup (which is 24/7), my to-do lists seem to get longer each day. Not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel can feel unmotivating.

When the temperatures began to rise and summer was creeping in, I knew that I didn’t have time to get distracted. The good news is that there are SO many ways to be more productive.

These 3 easy hacks have helped me find more free moments every day: 

  1. Embrace Routine. Every morning, what gets me up and motivates me to tackle my day is getting into my morning routine. My morning routine in the summer consists of: waking up at 6:00a.m. daily, brushing my teeth and washing my face, adding CBD oil to my morning smoothie to curb anxiety and to increase my focus, taking a brisk, 30-minute walk while listening to one of my favorite podcasts, making myself a nourishing breakfast, and then sitting down at my desk and starting my workday at 7:00a.m. Sticking to a schedule that I’ve created (and enjoy) helps me start my day feeling relaxed, energized, and motivated. Pro-tip: re-evaluate your morning routines regularly and add things that bring you joy (dancing, reading, journaling, music, etc.) to stay diligent and productive.

  2. Learn to Prioritize. I’m a freak about organization. To help calm the chaos, I schedule all of my to-do lists, tasks, and appointments on ONE singular calendar system (I also color-code them). The second I sit down at my desk, I start my workday by creating a plan — I always prioritize the most difficult tasks first, tackling the hardest projects at the beginning of my day. Not only does it boost my confidence, but it makes the rest of the day seem easy in comparison. Pro-tip: During your workday, distractions can be found everywhere! I’ve minimized disruptions by turning off unnecessary notifications, carving out two, 20-minute blocks of time at the beginning and end of my day to go through my never-ending emails, and, I make sure to MOVE! Getting up from my desk in between meetings and stretching might seem counterintuitive, but taking a few minutes to reset helps me feel ultra-focused when I sit back down to my computer.

  3. Unplug. At the end of a long workday, I get up from my desk, pop in my headphones, and get out of my house for a walk. It helps me differentiate between my time to work and time to rest. During Covid, the lines between home and work have inexplicably blurred together, so I’ve had to be very diligent in the way that I treat downtime. What’s worked for me? On my walk, I’ll phone a family member or a friend to remind myself that I’m “off.” Back at home, I find ways to rest and relax: learning a new language, playing board games with my husband, reading fiction, and going on bike rides. Pro-tip: Plan something that you can look forward to! Maybe it’s a yoga class or a massage; or even a lunch out with your friends. For me? I’m always planning my next trip. Vacations are my saving grace; I love how traveling helps me decompress and makes me feel invigorated. Rest and relaxation ultimately leads to higher levels of productivity and a more positive attitude when you have to get back to work. 


It’s taken me years to figure out how to productivity hack my way into feeling happy, healthy, and more productive than ever. Just when I thought I’d found the secret sauce, someone recently told me that there are productivity apps now. I guess it’s never too late to teach a young entrepreneur new tricks. Happy productivity hacking!

Christina Rivera
Christina is the co-founder of the luxury CBD company MATCH CANNA. Christina is an aesthetician by trade, a perfectionist by nature, and a cannapreneur by accident. While she’s always been interested in discovering how to tap into the healing properties of plants, she was decidedly anti-cannabis until 2016, when she began experimenting with cannabis while developing a product targeting pain and inflammation; the product eventually evolved into MATCH CANNA’s Relief Oil. The realization of how powerful cannabis is when harnessed in the right way, Christina embarked on a journey to create botanically-infused products that used only the cleanest, purest, simplest ingredients. With MATCH CANNA, Christina aims to drive the conversation around the benefits of cannabis and use her platform to inform, educate, and advocate for responsible consumers. Learn more at