Graydon Moffat stages a beautiful rebellion
Graydon Skincare is built on the principles of positive aging, transparency, and empowerment

Chelsea Clarke

July 9, 2024


This article was previously published in the Summer 2024 issue of ICON/REFINED. Get it here. 


Written by Chelsea Clarke, ICON/REFINED Editor-in-Chief

Photography by James Patrick

Wardrobe by Helene Clarkson 

Hair/Makeup by Denise Black



Graydon Moffat is on a mission to change the beauty industry. On second thought, “change” might not be the right word—she wants to completely overhaul it. 

“So many beauty companies cash in on the insecurities people have about their bodies–they let people believe their skin is ‘flawed’ and needs to be ‘fixed,’ says Moffat, the Ontario, Canada-based founder and CEO of Graydon Skincare. “Graydon Skincare doesn’t feed off of your insecurities. We promote body positivity, self-acceptance, and loving your skin at any age.”

Before launching Graydon Skincare, Moffat spent more than 20 years as a plant-based chef and yoga coach. Wellness practices were a way of life rather than a bandwagon to hop on. And those principles, along with the wisdom of a seasoned entrepreneur, became bold actions taken in an organic way. “My business began with me creating skincare in my kitchen and sharing them with my yoga clients,” she says. “I was a single mother. I was older than your typical female founder, and that felt like a challenge all on its own–especially in an industry that seems to value youth above all else. Graydon Skincare was my reinvention.”

With those values in mind, Moffat’s mission was to create a brand that empowered women to embrace their natural beauty at any age. There was no hidden agenda. No gimmicks, no subtle digs at self-confidence, no ‘perfect’ image to aspire to. Just clean, natural ingredients and positive messaging. “Instead of promising anti-aging remedies, I like to show people that skin longevity and health are what matter rather than focusing on perceived imperfections,” she says. “Plus, when skin is healthy and happy, that’s when it looks its best.”

Graydon Skincare’s products are created not just to enhance beauty in an instant, but for a lifetime. From gentle cleansers to rich moisturizers and luxurious serums, all ingredients found in the brand’s offerings are packed with clinically proven superfood ingredients such as plant-based collagen and probiotics. “We harness biotechnology and unlock the full potential of our superfood ingredients,” says Moffat. 

And the results have shifted perspectives for many customers, spurring conversations that stand out as some of the most memorable moments in Moffat’s career. “I had a conversation with a woman who came to a masterclass I was leading. She told me the story of her skin: all the health concerns, all the trial and error while hunting for a solution, and all the emotions that came with that journey. She shared that at one point, her skin was so bad, even her dermatologist had given up on her. I was surprised to hear this when she was standing in front of me with what, to my eyes, looked like skin that was healthy and well cared for. She then brought out a binder full of photos of her skin’s progress and shared with me just how much my products had helped her,” Moffat recalls. “It was one of those moments that leave you completely stunned, humbled, proud, and incredibly grateful. To witness such powerful proof that a pursuit you’d put your time, effort, and passion into had transformed someone was something I won’t ever forget.”


“My business is rooted in my values–sustainability, transparency, superfood-powered skincare, science-backed efficacy, and health and wellness.”


But Moffat’s mission doesn’t end at changing the lives of her customers. She also wants to change the lives of generations to come. “To be sustainable, we use upcycled ingredients and have recycling partnerships for our packaging,” she says. The award-winning brand that’s now available in over 150 locations across North America and Hong Kong leads with transparency, whether that means giving its customers insight into how its ingredients work, or providing access to sustainability impact reports. 

Making change for a sustainable future is a legacy she hopes to leave. “I want to see more brands bring this same energy to being sustainable, transparent, and eco-conscious,” she says. “No more over-the-top packaging, greenwashing, or hiding carbon footprints. Ongoing transparency and commitment to the planet is something I’d love to see all beauty and skincare brands strive for.”

And while sustainability is woven into her mission for a better future, Moffat also recognizes the powerful position she holds to make her community brighter today. The brand supports Lipstick Angels, a nonprofit that provides wellness services and beauty and skincare products to women undergoing cancer treatment. “Since the products need to be clean and sensitive, we’re a perfect fit and are honoured to donate our products to them,” says Moffat. The brand also participates in the Shoebox Project, which runs gift drives and distributes care essentials to shelters to support women who are either homeless or at risk of becoming so. Graydon Skincare donates products to relay the message that just because someone is struggling doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to have healthy skin and feel clean and cared for. The brand also donates to several charities throughout each year, with portions of its sales supporting organizations such as Rainbow Railroad, an international charity that rescues LGBTQI+ people in imminent danger from state-tolerated anti-gay terror, and the Ocean Legacy Foundation, which is dedicated to eliminating plastic waste in the ocean through clean-up initiatives, advocacy, education and research, and developing waste-management infrastructure.

Moffat’s mission for Graydon Skincare isn’t just about revolutionizing the beauty industry; it’s proof of her unwavering commitment to redefine standards and foster meaningful change. By rejecting superficial norms and embracing authenticity, Moffat has crafted more than skincare products; she has cultivated a movement rooted in self-acceptance and environmental stewardship. Through her dedication to clean, natural ingredients and transparent practices, Moffat has transformed countless skin care routines and empowered people to embrace their natural beauty at any stage of life. As Graydon Skincare continues to grow, Moffat’s legacy of integrity, compassion, and innovation sets an example for the industry and beyond, proving that true beauty radiates from within and extends to the world we inhabit together. “What I hope for the future of the skincare industry is for people and companies in this space to embrace skin positivity–not because it’s trendy or marketable, but because they genuinely want to be inclusive and expand the industry’s definition of beauty. I don’t want skin positivity and age positivity to be performative–I want brands to really start to believe that skin can be beautiful and healthy at any age, and for this to be the norm.”


“As an older founder, I choose to combat ageism in the beauty space and expand how people define beauty.” 




Build a Purpose-Driven Business

Whether it’s to promote positive aging, transparency, or sustainable practices, Graydon Skincare is built on changing the beauty industry for the better. These are Moffat’s top tips to build your own business that ignites a positive impact for generations to come. 


Keep adding fuel to your fire. “As an entrepreneur, the one thing you need to sustain yourself and keep yourself going is your passion. The drudgery of business can drain you, and often you need to put a lot of effort and struggle into finding a work-life balance. That spark is what keeps you going, what makes you wake up every morning excited to do what you love. But you have to treat your passion like a relationship–something you have to actively and continuously nurture, connect with, and care for. Sometimes you need to take time to check in with yourself and make sure that spark is still lit, and if you find it dwindling, make the effort to realign and reignite however you can.”

Create your community. “Being an entrepreneur can be isolating. Surrounding yourself with people that nourish you, not just as an entrepreneur but as a person, is so special. Being able to receive support, and also give it, is deeply rewarding and empowering. For example, I’m part of a mindful beauty founder group. In the business world, we’re competitors, but in our community, we can have meaningful personal connections.”

Work with people who share your values. “Work styles, opinions, and expertise can all vary–in fact, having multiple perspectives and styles usually pushes a business forward. Yet, even though people can seem like complete opposites, having the same core values will make even the unlikeliest of people into a dream team. That’s why I think it’s important to build a team of people who approach your business with the same values as you. It allows you to build genuine respect and trust, and nurture work relationships and a culture that is just as supportive as it is successful.”

Chelsea Clarke
Chelsea Clarke is a Toronto-based freelance writer.