How 4 successful entrepreneurs structure their days
Plus, how they learned what type of scheduling works best for them.

Chelsea Clarke

April 9, 2024

This article was originally published in the Spring 2024 issue of ICON/REFINED. Click here to get your copy..


There are never enough hours in the day. Between tending to clients, hustling for new business, and leading teams, you’d be hard pressed to find an entrepreneur who gets to the end of their work at the same time they get to the end of their day. But while building a business means you’ll no doubt be faced with an endless to-do list, being able to operate efficiently means one thing has to be prioritized over everything else: You. 

Taking care of your needs and showing yourself some love might feel like yet another thing you don’t have time for, but making space for the things that make you feel your best is a non-negotiable. So the question is: How can you possibly squeeze it all in? We enlisted four entrepreneurs to take us through their days–morning to night–to figure it out. These leaders don’t just run thriving businesses, but they’re also deeply acquainted with how to take care of themselves–and they’ve mastered how to keep both plates spinning at once. Plus, they reveal their advice for new entrepreneurs who are ready to have it all–personally, and professionally. 


Megan van der Baars

VDB Communications

Influencer Marketing, Media Relations, and Partnerships for Fitness, Wellness, and Hospitality Brands

Toronto, ON and South Florida

Follow her: @meganvdbaars and @vdbcommunications

Photo: Corina V Photography











Morning Hours

Megan begins the day by carving out space just for herself. “I find it crucial to make time for myself in the morning before I dive into client work or teaching fitness classes,” says Megan, who avoids her phone for the first hour of the day so she can focus on meditation and plotting out what her daily schedule will look like.  

Work, Then Workout

Once she settles in to work, Megan answers all urgent client needs and prepares lesson plans for her fitness classes. If everything is under control, she’ll complete a workout of her own. “I like to exercise early in the day, as doing my own workout is essential for me to show up as my best self,” she says. 

All the Inspiration

Megan schedules calls earlier in the day so that by the afternoon, she can take a walk or podcast break to get reinspired. “I generally take this break around 3 p.m. and pick work back up around 5:30 p.m.,” she says. “I find I get my best work done before 8 a.m. and after 5:30 p.m. as there are less inbound requests coming in. Working in PR requires a lot of creativity.”

Her Non-Negotiable

“Exercise is something my mental health and productivity absolutely needs. I also love my daily meditations and listen to at least one podcast a day that focuses on fitness, wellness, or PR. It is important for me to stay fresh on what’s happening in the industry.”

Her Advice

“It’s easy to chase every opportunity and say ‘yes’ to everything, but being mindful of what you commit to is key. You cannot be everything to everyone. Once I realized that my talents, connections, and experience thrive in the wellness and hospitality space, my business thrived and I became much happier and fulfilled all around.”


“I have to be protective of my time and energy. I’m super intentional with how I start my day and I also keep my phone on DND throughout the work day.”




Matt Zhang

The LUXE Design Studio, LUXE Real Estate Group, and Slabform Interiors

Architectural and Interior Design and Development, Real Estate, Importing and Manufacturing Natural Stones

Vancouver, BC

Follow him: @Mr.mattz, @slabform_interiors, @theluxedesignstudio, @luxegroupvancouver 



Always On

Regardless of if it’s a weekday or weekend, Matt starts his day with a fasted workout that encourages him to burn off energy and recalibrate for his day. He balances each day with a mix of work and social activities so he never looks forward to a weekend. “There isn’t a day when I don’t touch work,” he says. 

Reality Check

“When I worked a nine-to-five, my day ended at 5 p.m.,” says Matt. “But when you have your own business and you want it to succeed, there really is no ‘clocking out.’” Matt values being available for his clients 24/7, but intentionally lets off steam throughout the day by engaging in hobbies and fitness. And he wouldn’t have it any other way: “[Entrepreneurs] have to sacrifice in order to live a life others only dream of,” he says.

His Non-Negotiable

Matt channels work stress into physical fitness, and says his workouts ensure he remains uplifted. “If I’m stressed at work or having a bad day, I go hit the bag and work out in order to exert my negative energy and turn it into something positive,” he says. 

His Advice

“Success and greatness aren’t owned–they’re earned–and rent is due every single day. Entrepreneurs need to find that fire within them, and never lose sight of what they want in life, especially during times of turmoil and failure. Secondly, find some time for yourself everyday, whether it be enjoying a nice cigar, a fine meal, or watching an episode of your favorite show. As much as you need to hustle, you also need to prevent burn out.”


“I don’t have a typical work schedule or work ethic. I love to work and enjoy my hobbies at the same time.”




Jo Portia Mayari

The Bougie Bruja® Co

Creative intimacy and erotic expression coach offering online and in-person programs

Oakland, CA

Follow her: @iamjoportia










Get Connected

“As an entrepreneur and a mother to two non-binary kids who are 20 and 14, I like to say that I am raising a family and raising my business,” says Jo, noting that both roles require a level of devotion and self-care. “I wake up between 6-7 a.m., and the first two hours of my day are set aside to connect to myself and my intentions for the day. I meditate, work out, and then do my sensual embodiment practice to help resource myself in pleasure and sensuality.”

Day to Day

Starting at 10 a.m., Jo responds to messages and reviews upcoming projects, then begins calls for the day. She organizes tasks based on which day it is. This system took some trial and error to develop: “When I first started my entrepreneurial journey, I didn’t have a clear structure in place. I was juggling the demands of running a business and being a mother, and it often felt overwhelming,” she says. “I knew that I needed a more sustainable approach that prioritized self-care and allowed me to show up fully for both my family and my clients.”

Her Non-Negotiable

“My non-negotiables are sensual breath work, self-touch, and massage to wind down from the day. It’s a practice that I’ve created that allows me to unwind my nervous system and ‘rinse’ off any residual energy that’s lingering from coaching sessions, business stress, and family stress. My sensuality is my life force energy and the path to my inner wisdom. The more I can connect with my sensual energy, the more I feel grounded and in my personal power.”

Her Advice

“Give yourself lots of grace and know that you will be experimenting to learn what works best for you, just like you would in relationships and intimacy.”


“Now that I’m in my 40s, life/work balance is far more important to me than being on the hustle and grind. I am learning to relish in sensual living where I can practice presence, pleasure, and productivity in a way that works for my body rather than pushing towards exhaustion.”




Cristian Villamarin


Brick-and-mortar retailer offering curated non-alcoholic beverages

Toronto, ON 

Follow him:


But First, Coffee

Cristian’s first order of business is to prioritize what makes him feel good. “After being an entrepreneur for so long, I’ve learned that I need to prioritize myself, no matter what,” he says. “That’s why my structure revolves around doing things that are important to me, like enjoying my espresso first thing in the morning while journaling.” He’ll also get in a training session, typically swimming, running, biking, or strength training. 

Working 10 to 7

After checking emails, Cristian heads to the shop and focuses on tasks based on their priority, such as organization, KPI review, inventory and ordering, social updates, research, or strategizing. “When it comes to my workday, I always try to tackle the most important things for the business, and not let myself drown in administrative tasks,” he says. “It’s easy to get distracted by little things, so I try to avoid getting in the weeds by always keeping my focus on the bigger picture. In my opinion, like most things in life, this absolutely needs to be intentional and deliberate.”


Once the day is done, self-care becomes top of mind for Cristian. “At the end of the day, I wrap up with a home-cooked meal and wind down with Netflix, a visit to the sauna/cold plunge studio, or a walk with my partner,” he says. 

His Non-Negotiable

“Exercise. In order for my day to feel right and for me to feel like I’m giving my day 100%, I need to start with a workout. It allows me to feel fully awake and energized, and it also means I don’t have to worry about feeling too tired to exercise at the end of a long workday. I’m also big on getting eight hours of sleep.”

His Advice

“As an entrepreneur, it can feel like everything is a priority and you want to do all of it right now, but it’s so important to learn how to prioritize what really matters for the business, and stay focused on that. It’s also critical to think about how you can delegate tasks to others, by frequently asking yourself if you’re the right person for the job to be done, or if someone else would do it better.”


Getting enough rest is so important to keeping a clear mind and avoiding burnout.”

Chelsea Clarke
Chelsea Clarke is a Toronto-based writer specializing in health, lifestyle, B2B, and copywriting.