Spring clean your fitness routine
Just like your closet, your fitness routine could use a declutter every so often. Out with the old, and in with the new—with a focus on a rejuvenated body and mind, that is. 

Brittinie Wick

April 16, 2024

This article originally appeared in the Spring 2024 issue of ICON/REFINED. 


As the vibrant colors of spring burst forth and nature undergoes its annual rejuvenation, it’s the perfect time for us to emulate this renewal in our lives. This season provides a unique opportunity to assess and refresh our fitness routines. In the entrepreneurial lifestyle, where time is often scarce and stress levels run high, prioritizing both physical and mental well-being becomes paramount, so take the time to “spring clean” your workout routine and embrace a more holistic approach to health.


Assess Your Current Fitness Routine

Embarking on a journey to revitalize your fitness routine begins with a thoughtful examination of your existing practices. Before leaping into a new regimen, take a moment to introspect and consider the following pivotal questions.

Are Your Goals Still Aligned?

In the ever-evolving landscape of the entrepreneurial world, your fitness goals should be as dynamic as your professional ambitions. Reassess the alignment of your fitness objectives with your current aspirations. Have your goals kept pace with the changes in your priorities, or is it time for a realignment? A well-synchronized relationship between your fitness goals and your entrepreneurial journey is vital for sustained motivation and success.

Are You Enjoying Your Workouts?

Exercise should be an enjoyable pursuit, not a burdensome task. If the enthusiasm you once felt for your workouts has waned, it’s a clear signal to reassess and realign your approach. Consider activities that genuinely excite you and bring joy to your fitness routine. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, or trying a new sport, infusing enjoyment into your workouts not only makes them more sustainable, but also contributes positively to your mental well-being.

Is Your Routine Balanced?

Balancing your fitness routine is akin to maintaining equilibrium in a demanding entrepreneurial environment. Ensure that your regimen encompasses a harmonious blend of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises. This balance not only promotes overall fitness, but also guards against burnout and plateaus. Cardiovascular exercises enhance heart health, strength training builds muscle and bone density, while flexibility exercises foster joint health and prevent injuries. A well-rounded routine equips you with the physical resilience needed to navigate the challenges of the entrepreneurial lifestyle.


Setting New Fitness Goals

Now that you’ve taken a critical look at your current fitness routine, it’s time to embark on the exciting journey of setting new, inspiring goals that will invigorate both your body and mind. Here are key principles to guide you in this transformative process.

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

In the entrepreneurial world, where precision and strategy are paramount, adopting S.M.A.R.T. goals for your fitness journey is a natural fit. Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Specificity clarifies your objectives, measurability provides tangible milestones, achievability maintains a realistic approach, relevance aligns your goals with your aspirations, and time-bound deadlines instill accountability. By incorporating these principles, you create a roadmap that not only fuels motivation, but also holds you accountable to your fitness aspirations, mirroring the structured approach often required in entrepreneurial endeavors.

Progressive Challenges

Stagnation is the enemy of progress. To continuously enhance your fitness levels, introduce progressive challenges into your routine. Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts, whether through longer durations, higher resistance, or more complex exercises. This not only stimulates physical growth, but also cultivates mental resilience. Embracing new challenges fosters an adaptive mindset, a valuable trait for entrepreneurs navigating the dynamic business landscape. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone, and as you conquer each hurdle, relish in the satisfaction of your continuous improvement.

Incorporate Variety

Monotony can be a motivation killer. Inject excitement into your fitness routine by incorporating a diverse range of activities. From the tranquility of yoga to the exhilaration of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), variety not only keeps things interesting, but also targets different muscle groups. The entrepreneurial journey thrives on innovation, and your fitness routine can mirror this spirit by exploring novel exercises and activities. This not only prevents boredom, but also ensures a holistic approach to fitness, addressing various aspects of your physical well-being.

Try Different Exercises

To truly revitalize your fitness routine, embrace the spirit of experimentation and venture into new exercises that not only challenge your body but also stimulate your mind. Incorporating variety into your workouts introduces a fresh perspective, preventing the onset of monotony and invigorating your overall well-being.

Functional Fitness

In the dynamic landscape of the entrepreneurial world, where adaptability is key, functional fitness takes center stage. Integrate exercises that mirror real-life movements into your routine. Squats, lunges, and core exercises not only sculpt your physique, but also enhance your body’s ability to perform daily activities seamlessly. This functional strength becomes a valuable asset in the fast-paced and unpredictable nature of the entrepreneurial journey. As you strengthen your body in a practical way, you fortify yourself against the physical demands of both work and life.

Mind-Body Connection

In the hustle and bustle of entrepreneurial endeavors, nurturing the mind-body connection is essential for holistic well-being. Explore mind-body activities like yoga or Pilates, which not only contribute to physical fitness, but also foster mental clarity. These practices emphasize mindfulness, deep breathing, and intentional movement, creating a synergistic link between your physical and mental states. As an entrepreneur, where decision-making and problem-solving are constant companions, cultivating mental clarity becomes integral. The meditative aspects of mind-body activities provide a respite, allowing you to approach challenges with a focused and rejuvenated mind.

Outdoor Workouts

As spring unfolds its vibrant hues, seize the opportunity to move your workouts outdoors. The benefits of outdoor exercise extend beyond physical fitness. Whether you opt for a refreshing run in the park or choose to cycle through scenic routes, connecting with nature rejuvenates both your mind and body. The invigorating outdoor air, coupled with the sights and sounds of nature, can elevate your mood and enhance the overall experience of your workout. This change in environment not only provides a welcome break from indoor routines, but also adds a layer of novelty to your fitness regimen.

Spring cleaning your fitness routine is not just about shedding excess weight; it’s about decluttering your mind, invigorating your body, and embracing a holistic approach to health. By assessing and refreshing your fitness goals, trying new exercises, and prioritizing both physical and mental well-being, you’ll find yourself better equipped to navigate the demanding entrepreneurial lifestyle with vitality and resilience. 



Holistic Health: Integrating Physical and Mental Well-Being

In the demanding realm of the entrepreneurial lifestyle, acknowledging and fostering the symbiotic relationship between physical and mental health is not just advantageous—it’s imperative. Achieving a state of holistic health involves a conscious integration of practices that cater to both body and mind, ensuring sustained well-being amidst the challenges and pressures of the entrepreneurial journey.

Prioritize Recovery

In the pursuit of success, entrepreneurs often push their physical limits. However, recognizing the need for adequate rest and recovery should not be overlooked. Incorporate designated rest days into your fitness routine, allowing your body to heal and rejuvenate. Beyond physical recovery, delve into activities that promote mental well-being. Consider incorporating meditation or mindfulness practices into your routine. These activities not only enhance mental clarity, but also equip you with valuable tools for stress management. In the entrepreneurial world, where high-stakes decisions and rapid problem-solving are the norm, a well-rested and centered mind becomes a potent asset.

Nutrition as Fuel

Your body is a machine, and the fuel you provide significantly impacts its performance. Pay meticulous attention to your nutrition, viewing food not just as sustenance but as a source of energy for both body and mind. Opt for a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients, ensuring your body receives the essential elements it needs for optimal functioning. Beyond physical health, nutritious eating influences mental clarity and focus. Incorporate brain-boosting foods such as omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and complex carbohydrates into your diet. As an entrepreneur, your cognitive abilities are paramount, and a nourished body lays the foundation for enhanced mental acuity.

Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is the cornerstone of holistic health. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule regulates your body’s internal clock, promoting better sleep quality. Create a conducive sleep environment by minimizing screen time before bed, ensuring your room is dark and quiet, and maintaining a comfortable sleeping temperature. Consider incorporating relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or gentle stretching into your pre-sleep routine to signal to your body that it’s time to unwind. A well-rested body not only aids in physical recovery, but also consolidates memories, enhances learning, and fosters emotional resilience—all crucial aspects in the multifaceted world of entrepreneurship.

Brittinie Wick
Brittinie Wick is a certified personal trainer, women's fitness specialist, and nutritionist. Her work has appeared in Best Holistic Life Magazine, Nutrishop, Personal Fitness Professional, STRONG Fitness Magazine, and more.