The Balancing Act: 2 Super Simple Ways to Balance Family & Business

Bridget Therese Romo

April 22, 2021
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

It’s 2021; how the home front landscape has changed over the past year! From making your business pandemic-proof to homeschooling, to added concerns of health and safety – if owning your own business wasn’t challenging enough, the bar was raised, and that brings us to a really good question. How do we balance all the responsibilities without losing our sanity, family, and business?

It might be a balancing act, but it is possible. Let’s chat about two simple techniques to keep all the balls in the air while balancing on a tightrope!

Morning Routine – This sounds super basic, but here’s why it’s so important. When you wake up, your first reaction most likely to grab the phone and check notifications. This can start off your morning in a state of reaction and before your feet hit the ground you are already putting out fires and responding to everyone else’s demands. That sets the tone for the rest of the day.

What if instead of reacting to everyone else’s demands, we took 15 minutes (or more) to ourselves? How might that change the way you respond to your kids, your spouse, or even those you work with? 10 minutes of meditation, breathwork, reading a book; there is no secret recipe, it all comes down to what works for you.

Boundaries – Not a very trendy word these days, but let’s chat about it. If you’re like most business owners, the work is NEVER done. So, at some point, you have to put the computer down, the phone away, and stop.

You set the boundaries with your clients, if you respond to texts and emails after 9p.m. they will think you’re constantly accessible and become to expect that. Maybe you want to take a break for lunch with the kids each afternoon. Plan meetings around their lunch and don’t bring your phone to the kitchen table with you.

Of course, there are so many other ways to keep yourself focused, but why make it complicated? Get started with these two simple techniques to make a difference in your daily routine and make the juggling act just a little bit easier.

Bridget Therese Romo
Bridget Therese Romo is a Multi-Business Entrepreneur, an author, she is an internationally recognized fitness competitor, TV Host, signed model and speaker and certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. She is a mother to her 11-year-old son Christian. Bridget currently resides in Houston, Texas.