BTI #081: The True Fear Entrepreneurs Face with Tracy O’Malley

Beyond the image Podcast

IMPORTANT UPDATE: To show our commitment and support to you our loyal listeners, my team and I have created a new FREE resource. FITPRENEURS ALLIANCE is a new Facebook Group we have officially launched. The mission is simple; to connect entrepreneurs in the health, fitness and wellness industry who want to grow their business, elevate their income, be in a supportive tribe of likeminded professionals who are working to leave massive impact on the world!!! This group is entirely free and you can request to join by going to

The entrepreneurial journey is a scary one. The misperception so many have is that success gifts confidence and that the leaders we see and the entrepreneurs we look up to are immune from the paralysis of fear. That could not be further from the truth.

Our guest on Beyond the Image is Tracy O’Malley. Aside from being a multi-7-figure entrepreneur, aside from being a leader to so many, aside from being the host of the wildly successful Becoming Bulletproof Podcast, aside from being a transformational coach and aside from being a life-changing Enneagram expert – Tracy is a master of the human condition.

In this deeply personal podcast, host James Patrick and guest Tracy O’Malley dive into the journey of entrepreneurship that many are afraid to talk about. The crippling fear that so many hopeful professionals face. And the paralysis that has sidelined so much potential.

James and Tracy hold nothing back and dive into their stories of success, finding rock bottom and climbing out to new heights never before imagined.

If you have ever felt fear or hesitation in your journey to make an impact on this world – then this episode is for you!

Listeners can connect with Tracy on Instagram @tracy_omalley or her website – Also be sure to check out her podcast Becoming Bulletproof!

Be sure to subscribe for future episodes of Beyond the Image discussing how you develop your brand, market your brand and further profit from your brand as an entrepreneur! 

Thanks for tuning in!

Check out this episode!

Develop beyond the image in your career and in your life! Hosted by photographer, best selling author and entrepreneur coach James Patrick, this weekly podcast is made for entrepreneurs who are looking to level up their careers. This show will give you the tools, resources, insights and information you need to be unapologetically successful. Listen in and learn how you too can develop beyond the image! Check out more details at and on Instagram @JPatrickPhoto

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