WWE VP of Photography Brad Smith

Welcome to the relaunch of the Beyond the Image Podcast! A show for creatives, made by a creative. If you’ve listened to this show over the last few years, you’ll realize it’s rare I bring a guest back on a second time. This is a mistake I want to...

Dealing with Haters Online

In today’s episode, I want to talk about haters. Also known as, online trolls. In 20 years of running different businesses, I’ve had to navigate my fair share of trolling hate online. When you’re just starting in a new industry, this crap could be...

Launching a Photography Business

Before I really launched into my career as a professional photographer, I had a lot of hesitations and reservations. I had a lot of thoughts and questions about if I could make it. Had I allowed those thoughts to take root, I never would’ve picked up a camera....