BTI # 271: The Marketing of Sex with Dr. Jordin Wiggins

Beyond the image Podcast

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about sex. More specifically, we’re going to talk about the marketing of sex and the difficulties that a business owner faces around this. We’re going to cover what all of us need to learn in getting extremely creative within our business development and being completely unapologetic about our brand’s mission. 

My guest today is Dr. Jordin Wiggins. She is a naturopathic doctor, entrepreneur, women’s sexual health educator and disruptor.


  • Dr. Jordin’s personal story of losing her libido and how it led to a self-education journey and her career now.

“1 in 2 women globally suffer from sexual dysfunction.”

  • How Dr. Jordin overcame the fear of speaking about a taboo or unique topic in public and the role masterminds and business coaches play.
  • The importance of finding what works in your business and asking yourself, “How can I make this happen?”
  • Beating the algorithm and ads that may get turned down.
  • Common versus normal facts about women’s health and why it’s important to get a proper diagnosis.
  • Why social media can help get your message across to people who need it.
  • Successfully getting your message out regardless of algorithms.
  • The power of Facebook groups.
  • Cultivating community in order to amplify word of mouth lead generations. 
  • The simplicity of asking your clients to share with others what you have brought to them.
  • Processing and dealing with negative feedback.
  • What actually qualifies you to lead.

“If we want to collapse time around our goals and get to where we want to go faster, support and community is the only way.”

Connect with Dr. Jordin

Instagram – DM Dr, Jordin: @drjordinwiggins

Podcast: The Pleasures Principles

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Develop beyond the image in your career and in your life! Hosted by photographer, best selling author and entrepreneur coach James Patrick, this weekly podcast is made for entrepreneurs who are looking to level up their careers. This show will give you the tools, resources, insights and information you need to be unapologetically successful. Listen in and learn how you too can develop beyond the image! Check out more details at and on Instagram @JPatrickPhoto

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