BTI # 423: Benefits of Being Featured on Podcasts

Beyond the image Podcast

Benefits of Being Featured on Podcasts

Hosted by: James Patrick


Podcasting is one of the fastest and more effective mediums to not jump amplify your authority, but to generate leads for your business. Let’s talk about why.

“The demand for podcasts has been increasing as the number of shows also increases.”


  • Why landing podcast features is important.
  • How a listener gets to understand you more through a podcast interview.
  • Ways your audience is more accessible through podcasts.
  • The benefit of already having a warm audience.

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Dozens of opportunities for attendees to be published!

See past features @fitposium

Connect with James 


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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Develop beyond the image in your career and in your life! Hosted by photographer, best selling author and entrepreneur coach James Patrick, this weekly podcast is made for entrepreneurs who are looking to level up their careers. This show will give you the tools, resources, insights and information you need to be unapologetically successful. Listen in and learn how you too can develop beyond the image! Check out more details at and on Instagram @JPatrickPhoto

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