When Should Photographers Work for Free

When should photographers work for free? If you’ve followed me for anything length of time, you’ve seen the numerous videos and posts I’ve done about cheap clients trying to take advantage of photographers. You would, no doubt, asssume I would be...

Creating Your Style as a Photographer

When we think about creating our style as a photographer (or any creative professional) what we intially think is that we have to niche down who our core market is and the type of work we will be focusing on. And we are not wrong to think that. But surprisingly, there...

Camera Settings for Various Situations

In this episode of The Beyond the Image podcast, host James Patrick reviews his recomended camera settings for a variety of various situational photo shoots. From in studio portraits to on location action photos to window lit natural light photos. James reviews each...

Best & Worst Photo Gear

In over two decades as a professional photographer, I’ve spent more than I will ever admit on photo gear. From cameras to lenses, from modifiers to lights, from tripods to c-stands and from computers to editing softwares. In this episode of Beyond the Image, I...

Are Magazines Screwed?

Short answer: VERY I’ve spent over 20 years working in print media and even own two magazines. So you can say I have a vested interest in this topic and this industry. I want to deep dive into how magazines got themselves into the hole they have with subscribers...