Getting Fired by Clients

By default we only want to share our wins and successes. The fear is that if we are open and honest about projects that don’t go well or client experiences that are not stellar that it will somehow reflect negatively upon us. The truth is, when we only share the...

Photographers Give Terrible Advice

When I am in the mood to torture myself, I hop over to Photography Facebook Groups and read the comment sections whenever a photographer asked for help, support or advice. The inevitable result is a barrage of awful keyboard critics giving the worst advice pretending...

Nightmare Photo Shoos **Halloween Special!**

I selected 13 (of course) of the most terrifying photo experiences I’ve had in my 20+ year career. Everything from having people physically assault me to say I’m too young to be a photographer. Enjoy my awful memories while I go into an anxiety attack...

How to Ask a Photographer to Work for Free

Okay don’t get too mad at me for this episode! It is not that I am encouraging photographers that they have to work for free. But I wanted to dissect how someone could professionally and respectfully ask a photographer to collaborate or provide services at...

Competition in Photography

How do we best compete as photographers in a way that supports the community and industry as a whole? And what happens when photographers go against that supportive environment and try to harm other’s businesses? In this episode of the Beyond the Image podcast,...

When Should Photographers Work for Free

When should photographers work for free? If you’ve followed me for anything length of time, you’ve seen the numerous videos and posts I’ve done about cheap clients trying to take advantage of photographers. You would, no doubt, asssume I would be...