by demoviewer | Jun 29, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
One of the most frustrating elements of running your own business, if I can be honest, is the inconsistency. We have some months that you just can’t keep up with the number of new leads coming into your ecosystem and it doesn’t seem like there are enough...
by demoviewer | Jun 28, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
I know I’ve needed to record this specific episode for quite some time. Which is naturally why I’ve put it off for as long as I possibly could. My hope is that we can proceed and do this together. “In the last few years alone, there have...
by demoviewer | Jun 24, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
Let’s be honest, it can be a little daunting to start and run a business. One of the most stressful components of being an entrepreneur and running something that you founded, is the overwhelming and sometimes crippling weight of the sheer mass of decisions that...
by demoviewer | Jun 22, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
My guest today is Bebe Roxana. She is the founder and owner of Cult of Coquette. Bebe was actually the first commercial client that ever hired me to shoot advertisements for them and today we are diving into her journey from owning a brick and mortar business to...
by demoviewer | Jun 21, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
Can I share a secret with you? We’ve been in touch for awhile and I’ve been communicating with you for a couple years. We’ve established some trust and rapport. Let’s keep this between us. The truth is, clients sometimes can really suck....
by demoviewer | Jun 19, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
Special 400th Episode Hosted by: James Patrick Today is a pretty big milestone! We even recorded this live as we streamed to Instagram and Facebook and allowed people to make comments or ask questions during the live. This is probably the 600th or 700th...