by demoviewer | May 4, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
My guests today are Kelsey Eyers and Lori Lefcourt, the founders of Rexxy. Today, we are talking about how they have successfully leveraged affiliate marketing in their business. “People drastically underestimate the power of affiliate marketing.” IN THIS...
by demoviewer | May 3, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
My first brush with an online business was a little janky. I wrote this ebook but had no idea how to automate the delivery of the ebook. So, what I did was took the ebook and posted about it on Facebook to let people know about it. When people expressed interest, I...
by demoviewer | Apr 29, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
If you listened to the episode earlier this week, you might think that I hate photographing for magazines. Maybe because of the title. But if you listened, I’m sure you heard it was filled with a lot of satire. The truth is, I love the magazine industry....
by demoviewer | Apr 27, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
My guest today is Betsy Cerulo, the author of Shake It Off Leadership. Today, we are diving into leadership and how you can achieve success no matter what labels you have or have been given to you. “We have been making progress, and there’s...
by demoviewer | Apr 26, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
The topic of today’s show is magazine covers. I shot two new magazine covers this past weekend. And I don’t want to talk about my 600 magazine covers I shot in my career or how great they are (wink). Today, I want to talk about why shooting magazine covers...
by demoviewer | Apr 22, 2022 | Beyond the Image, Uncategorized
Quality, value, style, service, selection, convenience, economy savings, performance, experience, hospitality, low rates. Friendly service, name brands, easy terms, affordable prices, money-back guarantee, free installation, free admission, free appraisal, free...