Learning to Use Gels in Photography

Beyond the image Podcast

I honestly thought that just by owning a pack of color gels that my photography career would immediately be transformed and I would instantly be more creative, professional and respected.

Spoiler alert – all I learned at first was that I didn’t know squat about how to use gels effectively.

In this episode I talk about the steps I personally took to actually learn how to use gels from lighting backgrounds to creating atmosphere to accenting a subject to actually working as the key light and beyond.

Next week I am going to be hosting a live workshop at The Hive Studios showing you how to leverage gels in your creative portraits.

RSVP at https://www.hivestudiosaz.com/workshops/p/workshop-gels-2025



Check out this episode!

Develop beyond the image in your career and in your life! Hosted by photographer, best selling author and entrepreneur coach James Patrick, this weekly podcast is made for entrepreneurs who are looking to level up their careers. This show will give you the tools, resources, insights and information you need to be unapologetically successful. Listen in and learn how you too can develop beyond the image! Check out more details at JamesPatrick.com and on Instagram @JPatrickPhoto

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